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Ski boot in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2018-11-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: kiboshbootbootyboothbootsboot outthe bootbootieMeaning: n. a stiff boot that is fastened to a ski with a ski binding. 
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1 I ransacked the cupboard for my ski boots.
2 Mark was kitted up in mountaineering skis, boots, and equipment.
3 This year, however, Lowa have produced a remarkable ski boot range.
4 Buy a boot similar to a ski boot,[] as it will provide the maximum support and control.
5 Buy a boot similar to a ski boot, as it will provide the maximum.
6 The three of us clumped up the steps in our heavy ski boots.
7 The concept of assessing foot volume instead of width to achieve a good fit is another idea borrowed from ski boot technology.
8 Salomon's radically different Adventure 7 boots, using even more ski boot technology, are still eagerly awaited for test.
9 Wearing a sturdy, water-sealed pair of hiking or Nordic ski boots can be the difference between cozy toes and numbed digits.
10 By that time, two variations were offered: the original foursquare $1473 (N600) sedan and a $1610 (Z600) coupe shaped like a ski boot.
11 It is possible that it has something to do with your Ski Boot and Ski Binding combination. It can also be that your Skis do not have wax or the wax is applied improperly.
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